I offer a very friendly approach to help support parents and ensure IÂ use the best techniques and strategies to suit the individual needs of you and more importantly your little ones. I am here to support you and guide you through the sleep training in the best way possible, ensuring that everyone is confident and happy whilst undertaking the support.

Free 15 minute introductory call
I like to get to know families, their routines, what they would like to gain from the support, before undertaking any sleep work so that I can help you and your family as much as possible. I offer a free 15 minute consultation and during this call we will talk about your child/babies sleep issues and the current challenges you have. We can then discuss the available packages to suit your little ones needs. If you feel ready for change and have had enough of the sleepless nights, unsettled nap times or you want your child to fall asleep independently, I can help.
Firstly, I will ask you to undertake a five-day sleep diary prior to a 1 hour consultation via Teams. During this call we will discuss the sleep diary, talk about current routines and consider the sleep environment.
From this, I can help you to put new techniques into practice and send you a detailed sleep plan incorporating any of the techniques we may have discussed and any changes which need to take place to enable your baby to have the sleep that she/he needs and for you to start feeling more refreshed after an improved nights’ sleep. This package offers one email a week for two weeks so if you come across any questions or stumbling blocks, I am here to assist.

All of the services included in the Moon Package and additionally:
This package offers unlimited contact for the first five days (10.00am – 10.00pm) via whatsapp, texts or phonecalls and is designed for parents who really feel they need more intense support, during bedtime when implementing the new routines/strategies.
This is followed up with a 30 minute review session and action plan for the future.
'The Guiding Star'
A popular package for those new parents who may need a few reassurances with their babies aged 0-4 months.
During a 30 minute Teams call we will discuss how to encourage a positive sleeping environment, how to start putting a good daytime routine in place and how to slowly encourage your baby to sleep happily in their own cot with very simple transitions.
This is also a chance to ask any other questions with regards to your baby.

Our newest package is designed to give parents basic sleep advice without the requirement of a sleep diary.
Do you need help with the following?
Holiday travel advice
Early morning risers
Transition from cot to bed
Creating the perfect routine
Bedtime fuss/tantrums
After a telephone call discussing your requirements we put together a simple plan and information sheet for you to keep. This allows you to put the plan into practice and we will be in touch to review how things are.